Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Time Out

This weekend has been set aside for a special purpose and I’ve been looking forward to it all winter. Every year, for the past several years, the women in our church have been going on a weekend retreat where we can set aside all our cares and responsibilities and spend time with each other and with God. We’ll be heading to the beautiful Mount Alverno retreat centre in Caledon on Friday.

It’s spring…a time when the whole world, or at least the part of the world that has seasons, gets refreshed and renewed. I find that I need refreshing and renewing just as much as the world around me does. There is no better place than in the beauty of His creation among friends that I love.


Softly…softly…like eiderdown floating

Jesus, Lover of my soul,

The touch of your hand soothes all the jagged edges of my spirit,

The places where my “fur” has been rubbed the wrong way,

The dots that refuse to connect,

The derailment of all my intentions,

Scrambling my thoughts and stealing my peace.


What a day!

Let me sit at your feet,

Rest my head on your knee

And just be.


I will drink from your cup and be satisfied

And when I am at peace I will see

What I missed in the midst of the storm…


You were there.

1 comment:

  1. He most surely is with you, Robin. Looking forward to hearing about the victory that is on the way!
