Tuesday, February 16, 2016


I originally wrote this post in the fall of 2014 for Family and Faith Matters.

Photo courtesy of  Suat Eman @ FreeDigitalPhotos.net

The last of the raspberries are picked and safely stored in the freezer for our supply of winter smoothies. I’ve gathered all the apples and their fruity scent makes my mouth water whenever I go into the front porch where they are waiting for my attention. Over the next few days I will turn those baskets of apples into jar after jar of applesauce to sweeten our mealtimes during the cold season. Today though, the kitchen counter is covered in tomatoes and peppers that came from my husband’s flower bed vegetable garden. It’s time to make chili sauce.

I love living in a country that has seasons to mark the passing of time. Each season has a unique beauty to enjoy but there’s more to it than that. There’s a rhythm to our days when we live in a place that has seasons. At least that’s true when we are part of an agricultural community. We spend the summers growing and gathering and storing food for the winter. We spend the winters renewing our strength and planning and preparing for the next growing season.

Life has seasons too. Ecclesiastes 3 says, “There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under the heavens…” No matter what particular season I am in at the moment, whether it is a time of mourning or a time of dancing, I know that it is only for a time. I believe that God uses each season in my life to prepare me for the ones to come. I can embrace whatever season I am in and know that there is a purpose to it that goes beyond whatever my current reality is. That gives me satisfaction and confidence and hope. My life is in the hands of a Master Gardener and nothing ever gets wasted in His economy.

What should I do with the time that I’m in? That’s the million dollar question. How can I make the best of this particular season while it lasts? Thankfulness is always a good place to start. Then, I think I’ll start on that chili sauce.

Chili Sauce

12 large tomatoes

4 large onions

½ bunch celery

1 ½ green peppers

Chop all finely

Add: 2 ½ c. vinegar

         3 c. sugar

         2 T. salt

         1 T. pickling spice in cloth bag

Cook 3 hours on low boil or until thickened. Seal in jars.

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